Preparing a workforce to meet the challenge of large-scale data in neuroscience.
Findings from the iNeuro Project 2014 Conference.
Slide show presented at the International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility (INCF)Training Committee Review Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden, 19 February 2015 – 21 February 2015:
- Slide Show: INCF 2015 TCRM (PPTX)
- iNeuro Project Workshop Report (PDF)
- Summary Video (MOV)
Basic Information
The iNeuro Project 2014 Conference is dedicated to producing curricula and resources for handling large-scale neuroscience data analysis.
Basic Conference Information:
- Dates: November 13-14, 2014
- Location: Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge, Arlington, VA
- Schedule: iNeuro 2014 Conference Agenda (PDF; also detailed below)
- Reimbursements: We can only process your reimbursements if you send us original receipts. These receipts must be kept neat (un-faded, un-wrinkled). Messy receipts will be thrown out. More details will follow.
Pre-Conference Survey
If you are a potential attendee at the iNeuro Project 2014 Conference, please take the Pre-Conference Survey. This survey will help us to revise and improve this project to make it more effective and to develop new curricula and resources in the future so that they are both educationally effective and easy to understand, and successfully meet user needs.
–> We ask that you take a short Pre-Conference Survey before the material is presented and also take an identical Post-Conference Survey after the conference has ended. These surveys will help us gauge your gains from this conference. Please use the same, real email address for both surveys, as we will need them for tracking data.
–> Since we are going to ask you to take a Post-Conference Survey after the conference is over, we request that you give us your email address so that we can send you one reminder email. Note: providing you email address is voluntary, as is your participation in these surveys (see below).
–> Participation in this survey is completely voluntary.
- Pre-Conference Survey CLOSED
Post-Conference Survey
If you were an attendee at the iNeuro Project Conference, please, please take the Post-Conference Survey. This survey will also allow you to provide us with basic feedback on the materials used at the conference.
–> Participation in this survey is completely voluntary.
- Post-Conference Survey CLOSED
Conference Agenda Day 1 Thursday, November 13, 2014
PART I: Defining the Problem
(01) 08:00 am – 08:30 am
Continental breakfast is served.
(02) 08:30 am – 09:00 am
Welcome and thanks. Terry Woodin (NSF), Bill Grisham (formerly NSF), Diane Witt (formerly NSF) give background.
(03) 09:00 am – 10:15 am
Break into focus groups divided by stakeholders — that is, separate into groups that are either:
- managers and purveyors of data resources
- individuals involved in bioinformatics training
- library and information scientists
- computer scientists
- neuroscience educators
Each of these groups will meet to determine what they want to get out of the large-scale data realm and how properly trained curators can get them there. Each group will produce a one-page outline that will be shared and given to the project’s science writer.
(04) 10:15 am – 10:45 am
Break for 30 minutes.
(05) 10:45 am – 11:45 am
Statement of the problem. Round table discussion in which each person spends two minutes making a statement and/ or elaborating on a previous statement.
(06) 12:00 pm – 01:00 pm
Lunch is served.
(07) 01:00 pm – 01:30 pm
Summarize the problem. This will be assigned to the project’s science writer.
(08) 01:30 pm – 02:30 pm
Discern where we are now. Describe the training that currently exists for curators of large-scale data. Perhaps managers and purveyors of data resources and individuals involved in bioinformatics training should take the lead on this. This should be a “fishbowl” discussion led by those who work in the field, while others listen (though listeners are not forbidden from commenting).
PART II: Building Solutions to the Problem
(09) 02:30 pm – 03:30 pm
Split up different stakeholder groups to create mixed groups of various stakeholders, with a maximum group size of n = 8.
Decide what skills a curator/ scientist of large-scale data would need. Each group will produce a two-slide outline describing the desired skill set.
(10) 03:30 pm – 04:00 pm
Break for 30 minutes.
(11) 04:00 pm – 04:30
Each group will report-out key points in the desired skill set with two slides. The project’s science writer will summarize the report-out.
(12) 04:30 pm – 05:30 pm
Groups will split to form new mixed groups of various stakeholders, with a maximum group size of n = 8.
Decide what curricular mix would be needed to impart the desired skill set. Each group will produce at least a two-slide outlines of a suggested curriculum, which will be shared with the project’s science writer and in a report-out.
(13) 05:30 pm – 06:00 pm
Report-out of each group’s conclusions regarding a curriculum. The project’s science writer will summarize the report-out.
(14) 06:00 pm – 07:00 pm
Buffet dinner is served.
Conference Agenda Day 2 Friday, November 14, 2014
PART II: Building Solutions to the Problem [continued]
(01) 08:00 am – 08:30 am
Continental breakfast is served.
(02) 08:30 am – 09:00 am
Primer on Vision and Change. Bill Grisham and Terry Woodin speak.
(03) 09:00 am – 10:00 am
Break into groups of mixed constituencies. Perhaps managers and purveyors of data resources as well as those involved in bioinformatics training should lead these discussions.
Discuss whether existing training programs could serve as models for the desired training, or if these desired training programs have to be developed de novo. Discuss teaching approaches for these training programs, particularly as related to the Vision and Change report. Prepare a two-slide report.
(04) 10:00 am – 10:30 am
Two-slide report-out on whether or not current training programs could serve as models for the desired training. The project’s science writer will summarize the report-out.
(05) 10:30 am – 11:00 am
Break for 30 minutes.
PART III: Assessing Solutions to the Problem
(06) 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Reconstitute stakeholder groups.
Discuss whether or not they will get what they need out of the consensus. That is, determine if the proposed curricula and approaches are capable of meeting the needs of curators/ scientists of large-scale neuroscience data.
(07) 12:00 pm – 12:30 pm
Report-out of perceived strengths and weaknesses of the proposed curricula and approaches.
Thanks and adjournment.